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Аудирование 1 вариант  

00:00 / 01:25

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2. Andelo's located on.....Clarendon Street
3..........Italian food at reasonable prices
4. We serve over .........dishes
5. Enjoy  live
6. Large variety ............ and vegetariam meals 
7. For reservations call......................
аудирование 6 класс Food

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Аудирование 23.04

Захват 2020-04-30 09_13_42.png

Заголовок 2

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Посмотри фильм о Лондоне и ответь на вопросы. Заполни пропуски.

London is the.........of Great Britain

London is on the river...............

The...........built the first bridge over the river Thames

There are ............bridges over the river now.

London has a population of nearly......million people

Madam Tussuad brought  her exhibition of.....models in............

Harrods, Covent Garden are famous places for.............................

.......Park, ........Park, .........Park are famous parks in London.

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